So I don't know why I let it ruin my day but I did. Last night I went to print some fun things off the printer and all that came up was a blink light and E, for error. I tried unsuccessfully for an hour last night to diagnose and fix the issue and at least another 90 minutes today. So frustrating because it worked just fine three days ago and nothing changed since then. But last night, and today, the printer has decided it doesn't like our cartridges, so now I have three brand new cartridges and the printer doesn't want to work.
I tried everything the website said to do and nothing. So I thought well maybe a neighbor might have a printer that uses the same cartridges, nope. But I did come home with a new printer that my neighbor had, but alas it is out of cyan ink and won't print at all. AGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!! I am so tired of this. But like I said in the beginning, why did I let this get to me and why did I focus on it so much instead of the girls this afternoon. Why?? Why?? Why is it so important to get somethings done when there are more important things to do?? Like...
Cassidy is riding her bike without training wheels!! Joe decided Saturday to fix her bike seat and tire and take off the training wheels. He had her practice coasting Saturday and a few minutes on Sunday. Monday I went out with her and she pretty much did it all by herself after just a few trips down the street with me holding on to her seat and handlebars. She is still working on the finesse part but she is riding solo now. So she was rewarded with a bike bell. I got it clearance at Target a long while back and said she could have it when she was riding without training wheels. We have yet to get photos but that's okay, better to be out there with her than not.